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Vote For Peace


Friday, June 04, 2004
Moving along...

Welcome to my new blog

said Goat Almighty on 6/04/2004 08:22:00 PM::permalink::

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I've been in deep thought and doing more self-reflection for about a month now. Sometimes I wonder why until now I still don't feel settled. I try to put a finger on what my real purpose in life is.

And I think I've found it.

My goal in life is freedom, pure and simple. And my purpose is family. My family now and my own family in future. I've realized that all through the years these have never changed. The only thing that ever always change is the manner in which I want to achieve these - the journey.

It is a scary thought. Right now I feel as though it's "Now or Never", "All or Nothing", "Do or Die". It has occured in my mind to ask myself if I've been a failure. To be frank, there were times before that I look at myself that way.

But then I remembered this thing I used to tell myself back when I was doing my O Levels for the 2nd time. Wars are made up of many battles. Some are won and some are lost. There comes a time when one battle will decide the outcome of a war and to use myself as an example...I've not reached that point yet. I've won as many battles as I've lost but I've not lost the entire war yet.

I've not given up and I'm not going to give up.

There are only 2 things in our lives that we cannot choose. And that's our parents and our time of birth. Everything else, we can.

It's down to me now to make the right choices to get to where I wanna be. I wouldn't know for sure if some of those choices would work till I go in and have a real go. Only then I'll know when and where are the areas I need to tweak.

If you want the things in life that you've never had, you must do something that you've never done before.

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said Goat Almighty on 6/02/2004 03:14:00 PM::permalink::

Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Pasta Fasta!

I met my old army friend Mike today. We had a few beers, played some pool and cards with some other people at the pub. Over there, I also met one of my old schoolmates from Nanyang Polytechnic, Eugene. What a small world this is. Eugene just finished his NS service last month and Mike is an army regular.

I went home right after and made spaghetti bolognaise for everyone. It doesn't take a genius to prepare it but it's easier for me coz I like cooking (doesn't mean that I'm good though :). It's nice but sorry no pictures though.

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said Goat Almighty on 6/01/2004 08:43:00 PM::permalink::